

Fay Questionnaire - Mitchell-Jones

Edward Allen Fay Marriage Questionnaire #2451, James Albert Mitchell and Hannah Jones, signed by J. C. Balis; copy at Gallaudet University Archives, Washington, D.C.
   No. 2451

   Marriage Record
   James Albert Mitchell (husband) and Hannah Jones (wife)

   I. Details Relating to Marriage

   1. Date of Marriage?  Feb 1, 1880
      Place of Marriage?  Merthyr, S. Wales, Eng.
      Were the parties related before marriage?  No
      If so, what relationship?  [blank]
      Give any other details known relating to marriage.
            Married at the English Wesleyan Chapel by the Rev. Mr.
            Silcox [Wilcox?] and Mr. Rowland, missionary to the
            Glamorgan D & D, the former reading the usual service and
            Mr. R. interpreting with the sign language.

   2. Offspring.
      Total number of children born of this marriage?  None
      How many were deaf?  [blank]
      How many could hear?
      How many died in infancy?
      Give any other details known relating to offspring. For example,
         names, dates of birth or death, causes of death, ages at
         death, etc., where possible.
            A miscarriage at 4 mo.

   II. Details Relating to Husband

   1. Parentage.
      Name of his father?  Edward Mitchell
      Name of his mother?  ?
      Related before marriage?  No
      If so, what was the relationship?  [blank]
      Give any other details relating to parents. For example-causes
         of death, dates of death, ages at death, etc., where possible.
            Both died aged 72 two years apart. Father died Tywardreath
            Highway Eng. Feb. 28 1885. Mother died at same place Aug.
            22, 1883.

   2. Brothers and sisters. Give his full name and names of his
         brothers and sisters, with dates of birth, if possible. Where
         dates are not given, state whether names are in order of
         birth or not.
            Ten brothers and sisters.
            All dead but one sister now living in Canada. Three boys
               D & D self included.  One sister D & D. Ed-- [sic]
               Mitchell born at Cornwall Nov. 2, 1845, died Nov. 13,
      How many of these were deaf?  4
      How many could hear?  6
      How many died young (under two years)?  ?
      Give any other details known relating to this person and his
         brothers and sisters. For example, causes of death, ages at
         death, etc.
            Ed. [sic] M. died age 42.

   3. Other relatives.
      Had he any deaf relatives other than brothers and sisters or
         children?  ?
      If so, give relationship and names, if possible.  ?

   4. Note.
      Was this person [husband] deaf or hearing?  D & D
      If deaf:
         Age when deafness occurred?  B.
         Cause of deafness?  [blank]
         Attended what School or Institution?  Colorado Springs, Col.
         Residence when admitted?                 "        "      "
         Year when admitted?  1870 [sic]
         Age when admitted?  25 [sic]
         Years under instruction?  3
         Present residence?  [blank]
         Occupation?  Iron moulder

   III. Details Relating to Wife

   1. Parentage.
      Name of her father?  Richard Jones
      Name of her mother?  Elizabeth Davis
      Related before marriage?  No
      If so, what was the relationship?  [blank]
      Give any other details relating to parents. For example, causes
         of death, dates of death, ages at death, etc., where possible.
            Father died 10 years ag[o?] of consumption in England,
            aged 58.
            Mother living in Wales, Gt. B.

   2. Brothers and sisters. Give her full name and names of her
         brothers and sisters, with dates of birth, if possible. Where
         dates are not given, state whether names are in order of
         birth or not.
         Richard b May 7 ?  |  Harry     |  Anna Hannah b. Apl 27, '59
         Mary               |  Maria     |  William
         Elizabeth          |  Sarah     |  Joseph
         Catharine          |  Margaret  |  4 died in infancy
         Total 15
      How many of these were deaf?  1
      How many could hear?  10
      How many died young (under two years)?  4
      Give any other details known relating to this person and his
         brothers and sisters. For example, causes of death, ages at
         death, etc.

   3. Other relatives.
      Had she any deaf relatives other than brothers and sisters or
         children?  No
      If so, give relationship and names, if possible.  [blank]

   4. Note.
      Was this person [wife] deaf or hearing?  D & D
      If deaf:
         Age when deafness occurred?  B.
         Cause of deafness?  [blank]
         Attended what School or Institution?  Llandoff Inst. S. Wales
         Residence when admitted?                 "        "      "
         Year when admitted?  1862
         Age when admitted?  9
         Years under instruction?  5
         Present residence?  Pittsburgh, Pa. SS.
         Occupation?  Tailoress

   Remarks [no remarks]

   Date of information, June 1889.  (Signed)  J. C. Balis
- Mitchell-Jones marriage at "English Wesleyan Chapel, Merthyr," 1880.
- Mitchell deaths/burials at Tywardreath Highway, 1883 & 1885.
- Llandaff Institute records.
- Jones birth records at Merthyr, probably around 1850s.
- Hannah Mitchell in Pittsburgh, 1889.

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